
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


"Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends" John 15:13 NIV

Perhaps one of the biggest keys to any successful relationship is sacrifice. If you think sacrifice is too strong of a word then perhaps unselfishness fits better. Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for the sake of the world clearly stands as the ultimate sacrificial and unselfish moment in the history of humanity.

As an only child I can certainly testify to the difficulty of sacrificing for others and being unselfish. When I was growing up people routinely sacrificed for me, not the other way around. While I am sure there are plenty of only children who are not spoiled, this was not the case with me. The concept of sharing didn't even register with me unless it involved you sharing something with me. 

While that attitude is more acceptable as a child (I Cor 13:11) it is not acceptable once you begin adolescence and stumble into adulthood. There was no shortage of tension put on all my relationships as I got older and yet I had no interest in sharing my things or sacrificing for the good of any relationship. Needless to say I had to learn the hard way and only after several lost friendships. 

God has called all of us to a selfless, sacrificing kind of love for all of humanity. We are not supposed to take a “day off” when it comes to being selfless. In I Corinthians Paul writes “Love…is not self-seeking” notice it doesn't say “Love is sometimes not self-seeking.” I would be the first person to tell you it isn't easy but just because it isn't easy doesn't excuse me from doing my best to love others unselfishly. 

If you find that you are a selfish person I encourage you today to take deliberate action and be selfless towards another person today. We all have to start somewhere! If you already are practicing the art of loving others unselfishly, then congratulations, now take it to a new level. Consider sacrificing something of yours for someone you don’t know. We can always go deeper with God. A great example of being called to this level can be found in Matthew 19:15-30. 

Please also take the time to pray and ask God to search out the selfishness in your own heart. If you have hurt others by your actions or inaction ask God for forgiveness if you haven’t already. Be encouraged my brothers, we are all works in progress! Continue to persevere and run your race for the glory of God! 

Here are some additional verses to guide you. Have an incredible day! 

Prov 18:1-3 
Phil 2:3 
James 3:13-17 
Psalm 119:35-37 

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