
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Is it ok to be proud?

God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. I Peter 5:5

It is right for me to be enthusiastic about all Christ Jesus has done through me. Romans 15:17

God alone made it possible for you to be in Christ Jesus...As the Scripture says, "The person who wished to boast should boast only of what the Lord has done.  I Cor 1:30-31

God forbid that I should boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Gal 6:14

There are times when it is appropriate to be proud.  Often times you will experience feelings of great satisfaction for what God is doing through your life.  Those are the times it is okay to boast about what God is doing!  There is nothing wrong with feeling pride in a job well done when you have honored God in your task.  God blessed you with the gifts, skills and/or talents to do the job well.

Likewise it is okay to be proud of your children (or so I am told lol) as they are a gift from God.  When you read Paul's writings he often times can come across as boastful or proud.  However, he is always boasting about what God has done through him and not about what he is doing himself.  Let's try and look to Paul's example and take pride in what the Lord is doing in each of our lives.  When we do this our focus is on God and not ourselves.

Take a moment today and think about just one thing that God is doing through you.  Take pride in whatever that thing is and don't hold back from sharing with others!  It is good that God be praised so people might see your good works and glorify Him who made you.

I will leave you with one last verse: Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Matt 23:12

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Red Sox v Yankees


So....our trip to Yankee Stadium last Saturday was great!!  The Sox won 6-0 behind an outstanding performance by Joshua Beckett.  There are not many things in life more enjoyable than the Red Sox beating the Yankees @ Yankee Stadium!!  Everytime a Sox fan came back to his or her seat after getting something to drink, eat or to use the bathroom we were booed.  Awesome!  Sometimes there were worse things than booing but it's Yankees fans, so you knew this already.

Stepping off the train and into enemy territory is always an "enjoyable" experience.  Most of the ribbing, booing and being yelled at is funny and hilarious.  Of course there are always a few people who take it too far but overall it is usually just funny.  Don't get me wrong, you have to be prepared for it otherwise you might be shocked but if you come prepared or have experience it is actually a lot of fun!  Besides there are enough Sox fans at the game to make you feel at home at least a little bit.

The real stupid (and yet entertaining story) was on the train ride up to the stadium.  We had the film crew with us for the ride and sadly there was not one obvious Yankee fan on our subway car.  We were very concerned it would be an uneventful ride to the stadium.  Thankfully, just like in "reality" TV we made something happen.  At 125th Street this dude and his wife got on and as he entered the train I heard him grumble under his breath about the Red Sox fans on the train.  Since he didn't have the courage to speak up I let it alone.  However, Kristin, one of the filmmakers wasn't going to let it go.  She immediately decided to interview me and set me up with a softball of a question to try and get a reaction from this guy on the train.

Her questions was something like "Andrew, so tell us how you feel about the apparent decline of the Yankees and their older generation of players?"  Well being the sound bite machine that I am ;) I said something I would never dare say in a train full of Yankee fans including some statements that I only said for the pure dramtic nature of the statement.  I may have mentioned that I beleived Posada's career was over (keep in mind this was the same night he cried and sat out the game), that Jeter was also done and the Yanks made a huge mistake in re-signing him.  I said that Texieria was too fat to hit for an average any more and that A-Rod was more interested in getting fed popcorn by Cameron Diaz than he was at driving in RBI's or hitting for an average.  I think I even worked in a statement or two about Mo and Joe Girardi. LOL

Needless to say this ball-less wonder took the bait hardcore.  He immediately started talking to me and getting very upset about my statements.  Well...except he wasn't really talking to me because he was facing the other direction and talking to the far wall of the train.  I asked him is he was talking to me to which he didn't really reply he simply went on and on and on talking to no one.  At some point he turned slightly so I could see his profile but he still refused to talk...or "yell" in my direction.  He wouldn't even look at me or the rest of my friends on the train.  Needless to say we continued to talk smack because we were filming.  The biggest difference is that he was getting like angry...super duper nuclear was really creepy! 

I mean if he was any kind of fan or followed the game he would have had plenty of ammo to turn around on the Sox since we have so many under performing players but he didn't.  Probably because he couldn't.  Then of course because he is so angry he starts to not make sense or is unable to argue logically.  For instance he said of Sox fans "Oh you think you are so great because you have won 2 championships in 10 years but we have won 27!"  So I ask him "How did the Yanks manage to win 27 in a 10 year stretch?"  He then says he meant since the beginning of time, so then I said well in that case you are missing four of our world championships.  Then he started accusing us of being bandwagon fans and started going on and on about how he couldn't understand why fans from another team would go to a "non-team" stadium to watch a baseball game.  Our whole crew was like "what the hell are you talking about, people go see other teams play baseball all the time!"  However, he just kept getting more and more angry even though we were mostly joking with him with smiled on our faces.  Finally, our friend Christy asked him "Why are you so angry?"  We all busted out laughing and he just became more angry.

At this point we were pretty much at our stop so we all piled off laughing and being a little creeped out over how mad this dude was.  Good times :)  Can't wait to go back! Go Sox!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Battles - The Battle to Pray

"Whenever you were in distress and turned to the Lord...and sought him out, you found him." 2 Chronicles 15:4

"He is your protecting shield and your triumphant sword!" Deut. 33:29

"The Lord is my strength, my shield from every danger, I trust in him with all my heart.  He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy." Psalm 28:7

How does God help us (you) in our (your) daily battles?

The most obvious way God helps us daily on the battles we face is through prayer.  However, what do you do when one of your daily battles is finding time to pray?

I will be honest finding time to pray has been the hardest thing for me since I became a believer in 1997 and even when I got serious about that decision in 1999 I still struggled with finding time to pray consistently.  It bothers me so much when pastors or other believers say things like "well you just have to do it" or "how can you not find time to pray?"  Easy.  I don't.

It isn't because I don't want to.  Often times it is because I don't think about it.  Or the moments I think about it I just can't "really" pray (i.e. like in the middle of a presentation or something at work).  I have tried all kinds of really great ideas.  I have left a note next to my bed in the morning that said "Pray".  I have left a note in my bathroom, kitchen, on my door all saying the same thing.  Most of the time, I never notice them.  The times that I did notice them going to the bathroom and waking up seem much more important.  I am also not the kind of person who wakes up with instant energy and is ready to go about his day.  I am a slow waker-upper and it takes me a good 30 minutes before I can do much of anything in the morning.

So then the Christian taliban people tell me, "wake up an extra 30 minutes early to start your day."  Yea right.  That hasn't worked either.  Then of course someone always breaks out the "well you just aren't disciplined enough."  Which would be an easy out and often times I am not disciplined with other things in my life.  However, here is the key thing when it comes to either having or not having discipline.  You have to think about the activity you should be engaged in before you do or don't do it.  For example, I train in Mixed Martial Arts and have many friends who do as well.  When I have discipline to train it works like this in my head: "Andrew, don't forget you have MMA at 6:30 tonight."  And then I go to train at 6:30.  When I don't have discipline it usually goes like this "Andrew, don't forget you have MMA at 6:30 tonight."  And then I just choose to not go.  Those are examples of having and not having discipline.

Often times, especially in the morning the thought to pray or read my bible never enters the brain.  Therefore, doing it or not doing it isn't a discipline thing because I never give myself the option.  Outside of having a friend call me in the morning and pray with me (which would probably put an end to our friendship) I don't really think there is another option.  Now I am sure some of you "Holy" people just exclaimed "well ask God to remind you to pray."  First, get a life.  Second, do you really think I haven't already tried this?   Third, do you realize that asking him to remind me is also praying?  Do you not see the problem here? lol  Seriously people, pay attention!

Guess what?  I have a solution!!

Okay actually I don't, but that is the point of this blog entry.  I am just being real with you, my dear reader, that prayer for me and for many is difficult.  I also share my struggle so when you are confronted by the Christian taliban type of person, the legalistic everything is always about Christianity person or the "I live in a Christian bubble and can't relate to real people" person that you are NOT alone.  In fact, those people are probably much more alone than you are.  Finding time to pray is difficult for me and I am not going to pretend it is not.  I lose sleep over not praying, so then I pray I can fall asleep but then I feel like a jackass for finding time to pray about my sleep but not finding time to pray about others or myself.  Yet if I lay there and start praying for others I will most likely fall asleep in under two minutes.  Yet if I get up so I don't fall asleep so I can pray for others I am back at square one and unable to sleep cause now I am all pumped after praying. It is a vicious circle I tell you!

Last item before I call it a day on this blog and go about my business.  Today in church I was feeling ummm...what is the word....worthless.  Yea that is pretty good.  Not in the sense of I have nothing to offer or I am a loser.  Just in the sense of I feel worthless in my faith.  I feel like I am not being used by God or more likely not allowing God to use me.  I found myself struggling this morning with my direction and purpose in life a little bit.  Don't get me wrong I actually do love my job (not the culture of my job but my job is great) but I am not passionate about it.  I feel like life is passing me by and I am doing nothing to further the cause of Christ.  I am not a lazy person and have a deep and passionate desire to serve him.  I just know that going to church and having a bible study is not what I am only called to do.  I know I am called to do more and bigger things but feel lost as to how to start, where to start or if to start.

So what does that ultimately lead me back to?  *sigh* prayer...ugh.  I know I have to do it.  I know I have to be better.  I don't have high hopes it will get better as I have been saved for going on 15 years (wow I cannot believe it has been that long).  That being said my pastor @stephenhickson has challenged us all as a church to take the 3*5*7 challenge.  Which is basically praying 3 times a day for 5 minutes for 7 days.  While it sounds easy I know it is going to be hard as hell, especially on the weekend.  Let's do it!!

P.S. for those of you wanting an update on the Red Sox v Yankees I have to put up pictures first and then will share my story :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Red Sox Documentary

Just a quick note as I am getting ready to head to the Red Sox game at Yankee stadium tonight.  Over the last few months we have had a film crew following our NYC Red Sox Meetup group.  They are doing a documentary on Red Sox fans living in the belly of the beast (i.e. NYC).  I have been interviewed a number of times so far and as I am sure you are surprised to hear that I am a "sound bite machine." LOL

Anyway, Steve is one of the guys doing the filming along with Kristin.  Tonight there is a group of us going to the game and we are meeting up with Steve before hand.  He is going to film us as we ride the subway to Yankee stadium and then follow us as we walk from the subway to the stadium (which isn't far at all).  The Red Sox won last night and have taken 3 of 4 from the Spankees this season so it will be interesting to see how much angst the Yanks fans will have towards us.

I think I am the only guy going so most of that anger will be directed at me.  Should be good times.  Can't wait to share some stories next time I right.  Until then please remember people...

Make the world a better place and punch a Yankee fan in the face! Go Sox!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Boston, Back Bay and Business

Anyone who knows me at all, knows how much I LOVE baseball.  I just cannot ever get enough baseball in my life.  I am more than willing to acknowledge it may be a problem, but not today.

This past week I was in Boston on a "business trip" and it just "so happened" that the Red Sox were in town.  Of course I went to a few games (3 in 3 days for those of you who are counting).  The truth is I bought the tickets back in January when I found out about the business trip to Boston.  I am notorious for planning my business trips around the baseball schedule.  Not even the Red Sox schedule, just the baseball schedule in general.

Let me illustrate my point:

Two summers ago I had the opportunity to go on a business trip to Pittsburgh, PA.  So of course I worked my butt of to make sure that the trip fell in a certain way that would allow me to maximize my baseball intake.  I received permission to fly out to Pittsburgh on a Friday afternoon (my business meeting was the following Monday and Tuesday in Pittsburgh), picked up my rental car in Pittsburgh and drove as quick as I could to Cleveland to catch the 7pm Indians game that evening.  After the game I drove about an hour south so I was close to Canton, OH.  Saturday morning I woke up early and took a tour of the NFL Hall of Fame before driving down to Cincinnati where I caught two baseball games there (Sat and Sun).  On Sunday I drove back to Pittsburgh for the "business" part of my trip and then caught two games in Pittsburgh on Monday and Tuesday.  It was a great trip!!  I loved every moment of it.  There is just something so cathartic about watching a baseball game live and in person.  This is especially true when it is a beautiful summer night or afternoon. 

I haven't ever been able to explain it adequately to anyone but I just love the game and all the strategy that is involved.  Many people don't know about that part of the game or don't care but it is one of the reasons I love baseball so much.  There is actually a ton of strategy that goes into the game.  I love to watch back at see it all play out.  You usually cannot see this when watching on TV and you can only really see it all unfold when watching in person.

I only mention all of this because this past week was my first game of the year which is always a very special occasion to me.  These past two years I have been fortunate enough for both of my first games of the year to take place in Fenway Park.  Which is not only home to my fav baseball team but is also my "happy place."  Win or lose Fenway is always a happy place to be and it is nearly impossible to be crabby when watching a game at America's Most Beloved ballpark. 

The atmosphere outside the ball park, the first time you step into the stadium, see the green grass, smell the pretzels, beer and feel the buzz in the stadium.  It truly is a magical moment to me and I love it.  It's why I don't think I could every live overseas for more than a year or so I would miss baseball too much!

This week in Boston was just another demonstration of my passion for baseball.  On Tuesday I was fortunate enough to be treated to luxury box seats courtesy of my company as we were entertaining a client.  All the free lobster rolls, steak tips, Italian sausage etc that I could eat free of charge!  Plus the Sox won so it was an amazing night all around!  Wednesday night however I would be tested.

Wednesday night the game was suspended in the 5th inning due to rain.  The game had started at 7pm and by 8:30pm it was being delayed because of the weather.  It was already a cool night in Boston before the rain and it would only get cooler.  Many people of course left after about 30 minutes.  Many more people left after an hour.  By the time two hours had passed there were probably 1000 of us left.  Finally they announced the game would be starting in about 30 minutes.  This meant it was going to re-start at 11:10 or so.  While most rational individuals had left earlier I decided to stay and wait it out.

You don't understand, I know.  The Angels had a no hitter going through 5 innings and there was NO way I was going to miss the chance to see a no hitter.  Granted it would have been against my team but baseball history is baseball history, I had to stay.  So I stayed.  The no-hitter only lasted until the 7th inning and by then the Sox were down 2-0 but I still refused to stay.  It had already been a really good game but only got better as the Sox would go on to tie the game in the bottom of the 9th.  Free baseball!!  Nothing is better than some extra baseball free of charge.  Eventually the Red Sox would lose in the 13th after blowing a few chances to win the game outright in the 12th.  The game officially ended at 2:45am.  I was part of Fenway history as that was the latest a game has ever ended at Fenway (or something like that).  We also were given free hot chocolate by the Red Sox!!  I had a blast.  The best part was that in less than 12 hours I was going to be back at Fenway for game 3 which had a 1:35pm start!

Sadly the Red Sox were crushed on the Thursday game and it wasn't very much fun to watch but it was baseball so to some degree it was still worth it.

Have I mentioned I love baseball? :)