
Friday, August 26, 2011

Bracing for a Hurricane

Well we have already had a very crazy week with the "earthquake" that actually happened in Virginia.  However, not to be out done by Virgina NYers immediately began claiming it happened here in Manhattan.  It was really no big deal but people lost their minds anyway.  This was especially confusing for me because so many of my Christian friends went crazy.  That is the opposite of what God calls us to do.  However, I will not address this currently as it just irritates me that Christians would be so afraid as to lose their minds over something so trivial.

As if the "earthquake that wasn't" isn't enough we are now staring down the barrel of our first hurricane in over 100 years.  Hard to tell if it will be as bad as they are saying or not.  I am hoping to have some videos and pictures to download on Sunday/Monday assuming I have power.

More to come!  Prayers are welcome :)


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