
Thursday, October 13, 2011

What a Joke

Do you know this man?  He is a chicken shit coward. 

He is a man who refuses to own up to his own responsibility for the mess he has created. 

He is man who has decided that he would rather flee the ship instead of stepping up like a man and trying to fix this disaster he has created in Boston.

This man is Theo Epstein formerly of the @RedSox and now a member of @Cubs - he is overrated.

Can you say overrated boys and girls?

Don't let the door hit you on the way out jackass.  Thanks for the World Series victories (the first one being mostly Dan Duquette's doing) and the second directed mostly by the ownership group and the brilliance of Tito Francona.

Let's not even start with the total embarassment that has been the rest of the fat cats.  Some of the stories that have come out seem too stupid to be true - which means they must be.  The fact that Tek hasn't spoken up is perhaps the biggest disappointment of them all.  So much for being the Captain: more like Captain Crunch.  The fact no one is stepping up to take accountability clearly means that everyone on that team had a hand in all the behavior that took place. 

Youk is hiding behind "I never saw anything cause I play too hard to notice."  Really?  Cause it looked like you were too busy eating donuts and drinking beer to pay attention to what was going on.  Or maybe your enormous stomach was too big for you to see what was probably right in front of your face.  Clearly you would rather toil on a beer league softball than do the necessary things to stay in shape and stay healthy to help this club win.

Even Pedey didn't bother to speak up until just this week.  Apparently he is too pre-occupied with his endorsement of Coconut Water (which tastes terrible by the way) to speak up earlier.  Where was his leadership in September?

Finally, Mr. Pop Up.  Glad you found a way to get back on the juice this season without getting caught. It was an honroable attempt to try and steal some more money from Theo since we all know he gives money away to washed up past their prime players.  Good luck with our new GM sir.  I think you should go to the Yankees personally.  Pinstripes won't be flattering to your physique trust me...just ask your friend Joba or CC.  However, you will have access to higher quality HGH next season.  Say hi to Manny when you play in the Dominican league next year.

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